If our country is worth dying for in time of war let us resolve that it is truly worth living for in time of peace.

--Hamilton Fish

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Rollergirls--Part 2

The Sake Tuyas won a nail-biter, beating the Toxic Shocks because of some AWESOME jams in the second half.  Our girl Regreta won MVP for the night for her team.  All-in-all, a successful night, with an after-the-bout dinner at Eats on Ponce...

Check out the details and go see maybe the best sports team in Atlanta (okay, that was typed with my tongue only slightly in my cheek...) for yourself.  Google Atlanta Rollergirls and peruse the schedule.  Bet you can find a date that works for you!!

Oh, and this is what I know...buy a raffle ticket or two and you might just win a bag of meat.

Don't ask.  Just trust me.

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